~ The Edge of Night ~

During the 1981-1982 season, David Allen Brooks protrayed Jim Dedrickson. 

July 1, 200

A special thanks to Mark over at the Edge of Night web site for letting me use the storylines at this site.

They're rather long, so I'm listing them seperately.  Check them out.

David was on the show, according to Mark, from October of 81 to December of 82.  However, his character was mentioned in June of 81.  In fact, the character/name comes up several times before October.  Apparently someone is pretending to be him.  I really don't know the whole jist of what's going on, so I just used all the storylines between the dates I was given for David's stint on the show.

June 19, 2000

Being bored and drugged does wonders for the researching mind ...

I've found some info on David's stint on The Edge of Night ...

I'm still waiting for a repsonse on whether I can use the storylines, but I think it's safe to say what dates David appeared. (Or more accurately, the dates under which his character is listed on the storyline at this site.)

Here are some pictres from The Edge of Night Photo Gallery, contained in the Misc. section of the photo gallery.

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